I think, after a day or two of thought on this, that although only Luck functions at all without another of the three, if we are talking about having a total mastery of the one you pick and none of the others, I would go with Knowledge.
To explain this choice, let's look at the other ones.
First, definitions. This is remembering in mind that whatever it is is absolute.
Luck=Anyone not know what that means? You can suceed without skill because your good at random things, and all you have to do is push random buttons, dig in a random spot, point at a random person and say "thief" to a random guy who turns out to be a sucessful pickpocket who happens to be doing his only job and you didn't notice. Just do random. You win three contests in a row and you don't get picked by the FBI for an investigation. You win a car, you get a lead job in the best film of the century, you get money to start your own buisness and end up the CEO of a multi billion dollar company.
Wisdom=Ability to know what to do/what needs to be done/what you could physically do without killing yourself.
Knowledge=to know everything about everything.
Now analize what each can't do without the others.
Luck= You
could change the world with your power. But you won't know how. You have to ask the bum sage without luck. Without wisdom or knowledge, you're screwed to be just another random guy, lost in history.
Wisdom=Pretty much nothing except maybe make a bums life better by giving advice. With the worst of bad luck (a complete absense of luck) you couldn't get a job, you couldn't get ahead in the stock market, you couldn't find a good place to live as a homeless person. And without knowledge you won't have the experience to judge whether up is down.
Knowledge=Again, nothing much for yourself. But you can pass knowledge on to ones with wisdom! But seriously, a guy with knowledge and nothing else could still change the world for sure. Because all you have to do is find a piece of paper, a pen, an envelope, and a stamp to change the world. Might have problems getting them becuase you can't get anywhere in life without a smidgen of luck, but if I was a bum I would find quarters around and buy those instead of food, cuz if I was a bum theres other bums to get that food. I could go hungry for a couple days to change the world.
Would you rather be an inexperienced idiot with the best luck in the world, an unlucky person with no experience but knowing exactly what you want and need to do in any given situation, or an unlucky person who knows everything in the universe and how to improve our world yet has no idea what he wants to do or what needs to be done?
Personally I would rather be the person with all the knowledge there is. Look at the options.
The lucky idiot wouldn't know what to do if they did get rich, and theres enough of those in the world to deal with already. Do we need more talentless famous idiots? No we don't. Would most like to be one? Yes.
And both the unlucky sage and the unlucky know-it-all would have no luck at all, so they wouldn't get anywhere. If your going to be a nothing for the rest of your life, would you rather not know anything but know what to do with any you learn, or a person with every scrap of knowlegde ever?
The two go hand in hand, so one without the other is almost useless. But still, the lesser evil is being all knowing and at least being able to write some of it down for others to find eventually.
But that's only extremes. Absolutes. The "if" that includes not one iota of the others and all possible of the one you chose. Here's another if.
IF it was lesser, which means you get a drop on the others and a boost on the one you pick, what trait would I rather have? Hands down Wisdom.
Bit of a lucky guy, a guy with experience, or a guy who knows what to do? Again, wisdom.
IF I had to go without one though... Wisdom. A retard (in the actual meaning of the word) an unlucky person, or someone who doesn't know what to do? Is there not people we use for telling us what to do? Maybe leaders in general?
That's odd that it would come out as the one I would like most yet the one I could live without. But there.
aaaaand I'm done. Thats it for seriousness.
Some people would choose personal happiness and go with luck, but at least I'M ready to change the world! Geez... selfish people!